Monday, July 11, 2005

Ever wondered what will happen when …

You get up in the morning and find yourself in a deserted island. You remember that you had slept in your bed in Pune in India. Then, how come you are present on this island. “Am I dead???” the question pops in your mind. But, the mythology books don’t say that you end up onto an island when you are dead. “But, I don’t feel I m dead!” you exclaim.

Then you start searching for human beings on the island and suddenly you find yourself in a lift. Oooops! A second back you were on the vast vacant empty island and the next moment you are in a lift. When you come out of the lift, you find that the place is familiar. “I have come here before!” you realize that you had come here some time back … some 15 years back. And to add to it, you see yourself there… 15 years younger.

You call him/her: “Hey Sweta (or your name)! Wait!” and he/she waits and looks at you astonished…

This is how “One” by Richard Bach goes…

At every choice you make in this world, the world splits… into a world given your choice and other world with the choice you didn’t take… With every choice you make, another world of its own is born.


nik said...

This is also (almost) how Jet Li goes in The One. Winny's comment reminded me of that movie. The movie (though) has a dystopian approach to this concept.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is the same way I feel.
I slept in Pune and I found myself in the center of dessert.....Dubai.
But it is not as bad as it seems.
For two reasons one...Dubai is beautiful city and for other it is gr8 to see a new me.
I like to meet the new revitalised person that I have become after coming here.
As 'Alchemist' says Desert carries hell lot of wisdom in it.
Trying to understand the unsaid language of the world. I wish I can find my treasure. And I know you have already found it without having to go into the dessert safari.

Mubin said...

Well the philosophy is the same as of you with your friend deciding to watch either "The last samurai" or "Hum Tum". You you opted for the later one you feel like to have nice friends around you, enjoy a life as it comes. Watching first makes you more philosophical towards your soul and action.
Decision; me think never spilt anything, you just have two doors. You open one the other remains close. And something that is closed will be curtained for ever. For you never know if it was bad or good.
For you gain wisdom either way.
That’s because both the movie are great.

Have a great life!!