Thursday, November 18, 2004

Its Gone...Its Over...

We wait for the festivals the whole year. Festivals like Diwali, Holi, Eid, Christmas and so on... Each festival has its own significance, its own mood. And each of them is celebrated in its own way - Lighting diyas and crackers on diwali to singing christmas caroles - Its fun and frolic, its spiritual process and practice.
We wait for the festivals, we do lot of preparations for them, right from around a month before till the festive day itself. And then the next day - the festival is over and the post festive festival continues:). Then waiting for the next festival, and preparing for the coming auspicious season.
Festival is not the day itself... festival is the longing for it, the preparations for it, the emotions behind it, the reason behind the festival... When you think of the coming festival, you are celebrating it in your thoughts, when you prepare for it, you are rejoicing it and when you feel it, you are living it...
Life is celebration... Life is a festival... Its NEVER OVER.

1 comment:

The Shaolin said...

Has your blogging season too gone with Diwali festival! Long time, no posts on your blog :-S